Defining the Difference Between Anxiety and Stress

While anxiety, is defined as persisting, excessive concerns, worries, and intrusive thoughts that persist even in the absence of stressors that initially cause the anxiety, stress is better defined as a proportionate response to environmental or situational stressors that lessen in intensity when the initial cause of the stress will resolve.

When held in the body, stress shows in physical manifestations like lethargy, changes in blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, inexplicable aches, and/or wide-span muscle pain. Other symptoms include digestive troubles (persistent constipation, bouts of nausea, gas pains, acid reflux, or bouts of diarrhea), and disturbed sleep (restless sleep, insomnia, snoring, broken sleep, sleepwalking, etc).

Stress is any number of things, and is usually caused by an outside force, leaving little to control but ourselves.

Environmental and Situational Stressors May Look Like This:

  • Changes in career, job interviews, or opportunities for promotions
  • Mounting academic work, the need to pass tests or get licenses
  • Arguments with friends, partners, or family members
  • Personal loss and grief
  • Financial strains or a failing economy
  • Issues with an individual’s health or the health of a loved one
  • Discord at home, or within a union
  • Transitions, such as moving to a new city or state
  • Personal or shared crisis’

The difference between anxiety and stress means that, with stress, when the stressor is absent, has gone away, or otherwise handled, the feelings of unease leave with it.

However, finding yourself with chronic stress means that it can feel like clinical anxiety, in that the stress never seems to go away. Chronic stress is stress that is compounded with no real relief or reprieve.

Photo of a woman sitting at a desk with her hand on her forehead. This photo represents how stress can feel overwhelming. With therapy for stress management in Atlanta, GA you can began to manage your anxiety symptoms.

Reorganize Your Priorities

While most of these stressors are out of our ready control, we can control and center ourselves. An individual, through therapy, can learn how to best manage their stress so that they can reclaim some peace of mind.

Managing stress is like managing symptoms of anxiety. This means it’s helpful to have a counselor who can help you compartmentalize your stressors, help organize your thoughts and feelings, and create solution-oriented plans. Plans focused on helping you endure these adjustment periods and reduce as much stress as possible.

A caring, objective mediator can help to set realistic expectations and objectives for stress management. For both the present and the future. They will teach you how to release that which cannot be controlled, and how to regain control where it’s lost.

In regard to teaching and improving upon your existing stress management methods, we have the personal and professional experience, training, insight, cultural humility and cultural responsiveness, and expertise to not only empathize with you, understand what you’re going through but also help you strategize to manage the present and prepare for the future.

Ready to Get Started?

Stress is not a disorder. But that doesn’t mean there are no methods or practices to help ease the unpleasantness of chronic, ongoing stress.

You deserve to have your stress managed and to feel real fulfillment and peace of mind, and we can help you do that.

Photo of a man sitting on a couch with his hands behind his back looking relaxed. This photo represents how therapy for stress management in Atlanta, GA can help you overcome your stress symptoms and live a stress free life.

Start Therapy for Stress Management in Atlanta, GA Today!

Ready to start living a stress-free life? If you’re struggling with stress and feel constantly overwhelmed, counseling could help. At Informed Therapy Group in Atlanta Georgia, you will work with our skilled therapists who understand your specific needs and help provide you with the coping skills to manage your stress. To get started with therapy for stress management follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Informed Therapy Group
  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists
  3. Begin living a stress-free life

Other Services Offered at Informed Therapy Group

At Informed Therapy Group we understand that you may be struggling with more than your stress. In addition to therapy for stress management, our online practice offers anxiety therapy, depression therapy, and therapy for grief and loss. We specialize in couples therapy, pregnancy counseling, and postpartum therapy. To learn more about Informed Therapy read About Us, FAQs, and our blog!